Akbal Mund (centre) topped the polls for Vernon mayor during the 2014 election. (Morning Star file photo)

Akbal Mund (centre) topped the polls for Vernon mayor during the 2014 election. (Morning Star file photo)

Election reform endorsed

Enderby and Vernon mayors back provincial legislation for civic elections

Proposed changes to how municipal elections are funded aren’t drawing significant opposition locally.

The provincial government is moving ahead with campaign finance reform legislation for municipal, regional district and school board elections.

“I think it’s on the right track but the interesting thing will be how do some politicians finance their campaign,” said Greg McCune, Enderby mayor who spent $1,853 in the 2014 election.

“It’s not a big deal in a rural area or small municipality. However, in a large city, how do you get your message out and at what cost?”

The legislation would ban corporate and union donations, put limits on individual contributions and ban out-of-province donations at the local level.

Contributions for the election campaign of a candidate or elector organization will be limited to $1,200 per donor per year. One donor’s total contributions to the election campaign for an elector organization and all of its endorsed candidates cannot exceed this amount. These changes follow the approach of the proposed provincial Election Amendment Act.

“I’m indifferent. It doesn’t bother me one way or another,” said Akbal Mund, Vernon mayor.

“But some politicians rely on outside funds (to run campaigns). Do I think it will hinder some people from running, yes I do.”

Of Mund’s $8,845 in expenses in 2014, there was $845 from individuals, $5,500 from corporations, $1,500 from unincorporated businesses and $1,000 from a non-profit.

Support for the legislation comes from Bob Spiers, a Vernon councillor.

“I have never accepted anything but personal donations and usually limit those to $100. Actually, none were received in the last election,” he said.

If the legislation is approved, it will apply to all local elections starting with the 2018 general local elections.


Vernon Morning Star