Election supplement in next week’s Comox Valley Record

  • Oct. 30, 2014 3:00 p.m.

Watch for our election supplement “Options” coming out next week. It’s unlike any election preparedness package we have ever done.

We asked the public for input on what they wanted to know from our candidates.

The most popular complaint was that the typical answers given by candidates are too vague and don’t nail down where they stand on important issues. So with input from you we have come up with a format that will address that very thing. It’s a Q&A style where we asked candidates a yes or no question.

As you can appreciate, space is always an issue in the newspaper business, so we offered candidates the opportunity to expand on their answers  which we will post unedited at comoxvalleyrecord.com under our Elections tab.

Voting is important and on Nov.  15 we will be electing candidates to a four-year term.

It’s vital that you use all resources to help you make the right voting decision whether that’s reading our publication, contacting candidates directly, attending debates, using social media or reading their expanded answers at comoxvalleyrecord.com.



–Zena Williams,



Comox Valley Record