Electric vehicles, pop up libraries on the bill for RON Talks Wednesday night

This Wednesday night the Crumsby’s Cafe in Royal Oak will return to a place of academic and community discourse with RON Talks

This Wednesday night the Crumsby’s Cafe in Royal Oak will return to a place of academic and community discourse as RON Talks hosts two talks.

The Royal Oak Neighbourhood Talks are the first Wednesday of every month.

First up is Valerie Irvine of the University of Victoria with her talk, Driving an Electric Vehicle: Why Didn’t I do it Sooner?

Irvine will be followed by two-person presentation, The Little Libraries of YYJ, presented by Stephanie Ferguson and Teale Phelps Bondaroff.

Ferguson has down similar projects, as she currently sits as a board member with the Victoria Tool Library and volunteers on Little Mountain Farm in Saanich. Phelps Bondaroff has a PhD in politics and international studies from Cambridge, and is a well-known local debate coach, having worked with students at a number of schools.

The latter two will discuss the little local pop-up libraries that are growing in Saanich. They have made an effort to create a map/network of the various ones in YYJ.

The event is free, as always, at Crumsby’s, 4525 West Saanich Rd.


Saanich News