Residents of 8386 Qualq Rd. we able to leave the house unharmed after a fire started due to electrical problems.

Residents of 8386 Qualq Rd. we able to leave the house unharmed after a fire started due to electrical problems.

Electrical problems cause house fire on Seabird Island

Problems with an electrical outlet caused a house at 8386 Qualq Rd. to catch fire Wednesday morning

Electrical problems caused a house on Seabird Island to catch fire on Wednesday morning around 10:30 a.m.

Chief Wayne Dyer of the Agassiz Fire Department confirmed that the residents at 8386 Qualq Road were safe and unharmed.

“Everybody got out of the house OK,” he said.

While the exact cause of the fire has not yet been determined, Dyer said that it was started by electrical problems.

“It’s looking like it was electrical in cause,” he said. “It’s still still under investigation so we haven’t pinpointed the exact cause yet, but when I was there they were having issues with the electrical and the outlet where the fire started. They’ll be looking at that but nothing’s solid until the investigation is complete.”

Agassiz Observer