Green Party MP Elizabeth May looks on before the start of a news conference on Parliament Hill in Ottawa, on Tuesday, June 21, 2022. May is running on a joint ticket to reclaim the leadership of the Green Party. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Justin Tang

Green Party MP Elizabeth May looks on before the start of a news conference on Parliament Hill in Ottawa, on Tuesday, June 21, 2022. May is running on a joint ticket to reclaim the leadership of the Green Party. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Justin Tang

Elizabeth May and running mate Jonathan Pedneault among 6 Green leadership hopefuls

The former party leader is expected to launch a joint bid for the leadership Wednesday

Elizabeth May is running on a joint ticket to reclaim the leadership of the Green Party, sources say.

The former party leader is expected to launch a joint bid for the leadership Wednesday in Sidney with her running mate, Jonathan Pedneault.

They are two of six candidates cleared by the party to run, according to two Green Party sources with direct knowledge of the situation who were granted anonymity because they were not authorized to speak publicly about it.

Sarah Gabrielle Baron, who ran as an Independent against former Conservative leader Erin O’Toole in Durham, Ont., in last year’s election, and Simon Gnocchini-Messier, a federal public servant who ran for the Greens in Hull-Aylmer, Que., will also run.

Anna Keenan and Chad Walcott are also expected to join the race on another joint ticket.

The winner, to be announced by November, will take over from interim leader Amita Kuttner, who stepped in after the resignation of Annamie Paul last year.

The Canadian Press

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