Elk River Alliance seeks volunteers

There are many different ways to get involved with the ERA as a volunteer

  • Feb. 12, 2020 12:00 a.m.
The ERA board is seen pictured here on a boating trip. Photo Submitted

The ERA board is seen pictured here on a boating trip. Photo Submitted

Aboard that paddles the Elk River’s turbulent and calm waters together can influence good decisions about its healthy future,” says Lee-Anne Walker, Senior Advisor for the Elk River Alliance (ERA). “What we all want, a healthy watershed and robust economy, is a balancing act requiring energy, talent and skill.” To achieve water sustainability, ERA is in need of additional directors with knowledge, passion and who are dedicated to keeping our watershed healthy.

“The strength of ERA since its beginning in 2011 has been its people – board members, contractors, partners, and volunteers,” reflects Steven Marlborough, ERA’s Chair, who is stepping down this year. “Our board has benefitted from youth, engineers, scientists, fishing and raft guides, students, seniors, managers, fishers, and consultants, working alongside our talented pool of contractors,” said Marlborough.

ERA won the Community Spirit Award in 2017, a testament to its local contribution. The vibrancy of an organization is its ability to attract new talent and ERA is in need of more leaders for 2020.

“There are so many people attracted to Fernie and I keep meeting these exceptional folks with a wealth of experience who want to get involved and use their abilities to the betterment of the community,” commented Walker.

Are you someone who wants to get your feet wet learning about local environments and aquatic ecosystems? Are you interested in influencing important decisions made about our water? Does being on a vibrant, engaged board interest you? Can you dedicate some time to this worthy effort? Do you have past professional skills in finance, board governance, non-profit administration, environmental science, engineering or communications?

The age old adage that ‘many hands makes light work’ is true, so whether you are starting out in your career or are a seasoned veteran with years of professional expertise, ERA can provide a meaningful experience where you make a real difference.

For inquiries or to receive an ERA board application prior to our February 29, 2020 AGM, at the Fernie Nordic Centre, please email beth@elkriveralliance.ca. Check out past project success on our website www.elkriveralliance.ca

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