Elk River monitored after temporary discolouration

A short term discolouration occurred in the Elk River after water containing sediments was released from Elkview Mine.

A short term discolouration occurred in the Elk River on September 11 as a result of water containing sediments that were released from Teck’s Elkview Mine Operation.

Nic Milligan, Manager of Community and Aboriginal Affairs for Teck Coal Limited, said the discoloration happened in relation to a maintenance project that was happening on the Elkview Operation’s main Goddard Creek sedimentation pond. The BC Ministry of Environment has approved the work.

He went on to clarify that there are no human health concerns associated with the discoloration and that Teck is currently monitoring the area to ensure there are no residual environmental effects.

Also in association with the maintenance work, during dewatering activities on August 29 and September 19, nine deceased long-nose suckerfish were located in small ponds connected to Goddard Creek. Teck notified the appropriate regulatory bodies and are in the process of thoroughly reviewing the event to determine the cause.


The Free Press