A gas tanker full of gas caught on fire at the Canco Hilltop gas station Elko, AUGUST 18. Photo courtesy RDEK.

Elk Valley RCMP report

Investigations into a man riding a train in the Galloway; fire extinguisher thrown at window; unattended fire burn; S.O.S. on the Flat Head River; group of hikers on Mt. Muir; more bank related scams; theft of bikes; and a gas tanker on fire near Elko, B.C.

  • Aug. 30, 2021 12:00 a.m.

Investigations into a man riding a train in the Galloway; fire extinguisher thrown at window; unattended fire burn; S.O.S. on the Flat Head River; group of hikers on Mt. Muir; more bank related scams; theft of bikes; and a gas tanker on fire near Elko, B.C.

Man hops on train – Galloway.

On Friday, July 23, 2021 at 21:00 p.m. RCMP learned from CP Rail that a fly fisherman had heard a man yelling for help while the train was going by. After checking with CP Rail, Officers were made aware that the train would be travelling through and stopping in Fernie. Officers spoke with the train’s conductor who believed that they may have a stowaway on board. It was soon learned that the man was stuck inside a grain car, banging to get out. It was discovered the man had entered the grain car by an unlocked hatch.

The man was treated by BC Ambulance Service who found he had sustained no injuries; however, he spent two days without food and water. The man was placed under arrest for Trespassing, Mischief and Illegal Entry into Canada.

Ultimately, the man was transported to Surrey and transferred to American custody at a nearby US Port of Entry.

Fire Extinguisher thrown at window of The Fernie Academy

On Tuesday, August 3, at 8:10 a.m. Elk Valley RCMP received a report that at the Fernie Academy, someone had thrown a fire extinguisher at one of their windows. The incident may have happened on Saturday, July 31.

Please contact the Elk Valley RCMP at 250-425-6233 or Crime Stoppers 1-800-222-8477, if you have any information in relation to this incident.

Unattended Burn Pile, Sparwood

On Wednesday, August 4, at 1:30 p.m. Elk Valley RCMP, BC Conservation Office Service and the Sparwood Fire Department responded to what was reported a large unattended burn pile. It turned out to be a smouldering fire contained in a truck rim in the Lower Elk Valley area of Sparwood. The registered owner of the property was issued a Violation Ticket for $1,150.00, under Section 10(3) under the Wild Fire Act by the Conservation Officer.

S.O.S. on the Flathead River South1

On Wednesday, August 11, at 8:50 p.m. RCMP became aware of a vague S.O.S. message from a Garmin GPS device where six people were rafting on the river but did not arrive at their designation at the south bridge at the US border. Fernie Search and Rescue (SAR) was activated to assist with the search on the river.

Garmin was able to assist by providing some emergency contact names and phone numbers for the device owner; however police were unable to reach anyone belonging to those emergency contact numbers.

Around midnight, Garmin advised Elk Valley RCMP they had received messages from the GPS device that they had found their missing six individuals. The group said that while they were floating down the river they had encountered a beaver dam. When they realized that they could not float any further, they attempted to walk around the dam but were unsuccessful finding their way. The group decided to turn around and walk back to camp to where they were dropped off.

No one was injured but quite exhausted from their day.

Hikers on Mt. Muir, Sparwood

On Saturday August 14, around 8:30 p.m. Elk Valley RCMP got notification from the International Response Coordination Centre (IRCC) Office of an In Reach Device Activation stating that four people were on the south side of Mt. Muir, and due to the lateness of day, were having trouble navigating down from the trails. The mountain is located on the BC-Alberta border north of Elkford.

Search and Rescue (SAR) was activated and updated of the situation on Mt. Muir. Within a couple of hours of IRCC notification, all individuals successfully made their way down Mt. Muir. Everyone was safe, healthy and no one had any injuries.

Super B Gas tanker on fire, Elko

On Wednesday, August 18, at 9:30 p.m. Elk Valley RCMP had received a request for assistance from the Elko Fire Department due to a gas tanker full of gas that had caught on fire at the Canco Hilltop gas station Elko, B.C. The tanker was carrying approximately 40,000 litres of gas. Nearby was an estimate of 10,000 litres of diesel. Commercial Vehicle Safety and Enforcement were also on scene.There was an immediate evacuation of persons in the area who were directed to the Fernie Community Centre. It was very fortunate no one sustained any injuries and everyone was safe and accounted for during this time. CP Rail was updated of the fire in the vicinity and they suspended their travel in the mean time. BC Highway flaggers had also closed the highway in both directions. Elko Fire Department managed to contain the fire to the tractor and first trailer, and vicinity of the large tanks of gas. The cause of the gas fire continues to be under investigation by the Elko Fire Department.

Reminder to Elk Valley Communities: Watch Out For Scammers

Elk Valley RCMP continue to receive reports from the public regarding telephone fraud. RCMP would like to recommend to never provide personal or banking information over the phone to anyone. You are encouraged to only provide sensitive information through verified company contacts and systems. In person is the safest way to provide information to someone you know who works at the business or government agency.

Please do not assume the telephone number contacting you is legitimate as computer software can replicate any phone number. Do not send money electronically or make payments to anyone over the telephone without taking the proper steps. It is very important to know that once money is sent electronically it likely cannot be recovered.

There continues to be many sophisticated and creative fraudsters, such as, “you are being investigative for drug possession; or a fraudster claiming to work for “National Defence” demanding payment for a fictitious outstanding debts or someone identifying themselves as a bank employee. When this happens to you, hang up the phone, and alert Service Canada about the attempted fraud.

B&E and Theft – Fernie

On Tuesday, August 24, 2021, Police were called to an illegal camp up Coal Creek Rd where two individuals were arrested and investigated for possession of stolen property. Numerous items were discovered to have been stolen from the Fernie Rod & Gun Club, a parked road grader on Coal Creek, and other vehicles parked in and around Fernie. Both accused are local residents and were later released on court documents for a future court date and are also prohibited to be in the Coal Creek area.

The Elk Valley RCMP believe these two individuals are associated to a small group of people that move between the Crowsnest Pass and Cranbrook areas stealing from businesses and vehicles at night. Many times the items are stolen but are not reported to police so the Elk Valley RCMP would like to remind the public that reporting all crime allows the police to identify hot spots, trends, and allow officers to return stolen items if located. All detachments have an on-line crime reporting tool that allows the public to report property crime that do not require police to attend to a crime scene immediately or not at all.

Lock it or Lose it: Your Vehicles and Mountain Bikes

Elk Valley RCMP would like to remind the public of their duty and responsibility to lock all your vehicles and secure your mountain bikes. Please do not leave personal/business items in your vehicles. The RCMPolice have seen an increase in these types of thefts and would like everyone to be very cognizant in securing your properties safe from night-time thieves.

Fernie Free Press

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