Sparwood and Fernie Search and Rescue teams have rescued a camper with serious burns overnight. File photo

Sparwood and Fernie Search and Rescue teams have rescued a camper with serious burns overnight. File photo

Elk Valley SAR groups rescue camper with serious burns

Woman camping in the Alexander Creek area, east of Sparwood, sustains serious burns from hot liquids

  • Aug. 24, 2018 12:00 a.m.

Elk Valley search and rescue personnel have hiked through the night in rough terrain to rescue a camper with serious burns.

About midnight Friday, Fernie Search and Rescue (SAR) was asked to assist Sparwood and Elkford SAR with the rescue of a young woman from Lethbridge, Alberta.

According to the SAR groups, the woman was part of a large group of hikers camping in the Alexander Creek area, east of Sparwood and near the B.C./Alberta border.

She sustained serious burns after coming into contact with hot liquids.

Over four hours, two ground teams from Sparwood and Elkford SAR hiked in the dark through rough terrain to reach the woman, assess the situation and provide first aid until daylight.

Fernie SAR flew in at first light to evacuate the woman, who was handed over to BC Ambulance Service then taken to Elk Valley Hospital.

“Many thanks to all the SAR volunteers, members of the subject’s party and other agencies who all worked together to make this operation safe and successful,” said Sparwood SAR in a Facebook post Friday.

The Free Press