Jason Meldrum and his son Carter are raising funds for the Elkford Bike Park. (Contributed by Jason Meldrum)

Elkford bike park fundraising

Jason and Carter from the ELkford Biking Club were canvassing for donations over Easter Monday

  • Apr. 21, 2021 12:00 a.m.

Jason Meldrum and his son Carter hit the streets of the Elk Valley on Easter Monday to raise funds for the Elkford Bike Park.

“It’s great to take my son with me and show him what is involved in raising money, and how to talk to people and explain the project we are trying to achieve,” said Meldrum.

“He may only be 6, but from the beginning he has been involved in almost every process of getting a bike park built and off the ground.”

Meldrum, who is the founder and organiser behind the Elkford Biking Club which is pushing for the bike park, said the two of them visited businesses in each town.

“Some comments were that local businesses, even in Fernie would be happy to help. They understand that people in Elkford support them as well, including buying vehicles and shopping in Fernie, its still considered local to many. Donations were immediately promised from some, and in one instance a cheque was basically written on the spot in support of the bike park.”

Meldrum said that support for the bike park and the rationale behind building one in Elkford – to give young kids more to occupy themselves with outdoors – was awesome.

“Not only will this benefit children and adults alike, economic spin off can be great as well. We have some great restaurants and a grocery store, even two gas stations in close proximity to the proposed bike park. From a marketing perspective, this is a great opportunity for local companies to have their name displayed as investors in the park. The hope is to eventually name certain runs, and portions of the park after businesses.”

The bike park, should it go ahead will be located in central Elkford in the Boivin Corridor, though the location is yet to be formally revealed.

Donations for the future bike park are welcomed. If you’d like to donate you can also do it online through the Elkford Biking Club’s email at elkfordbikingclub@gmail.com.

READ MORE: Donations roll in for Elkford bike park

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