Elks food drive a resounding success

Elks food drive a resounding success

By Phyllis Bucknell

  • Aug. 24, 2018 12:00 a.m.

By Phyllis Bucknell

The Clearwater Elks 499 would like to thank the people of Clearwater and surrounding area for your generous support in our quest to help our Clearwater Food Bank.

Between the donation jar and the results of your sweet tooth we were able to give $1,500 from the Clearwater Elks to the Food Bank. Donation jar $300. Also eight boxes of non perishable food adds up approx to 117lbs of food. Tourists, we can’t forget you. Thank you for your part.

Now I ask you isn’t that fabulous!

The girls on the grill, you did a wonderful job. You looked a little bagged at the end of the shift but you cooked 269 breakfasts. That is the most people we have ever had I believe. You earned the right to look bagged. Ladies, a good job well done.

To the other ladies and gentlemen from the Clearwater Food Bank that kept the kitchen running smoothly, clean up and cleaning the griddles … thank you.

Thank you to the Clearwater Elks 499. I found out our (Boss Lady) Marnie doesn’t operate very well unless she has an egg flipper in her hand. Once she got that egg flipper in her hand all went well.

To the Royal Purple Elks 302 and the Clearwater Fire Department, thank you for your support not only on Aug. 4 but for every Saturday through the summer. Your help is so needed and so appreciated.

This was a very good day. So good that were going to do it again next year, long weekend in August 2019.

Again give yourselves a big pat on the back for a very good job well done .

I am so very proud of our town and it’s people.

Clearwater Elks 499, president

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