Emotions abound for new Vernon royalty

Emily Pfannschmidt and Antonya Crosby woke up Thursday morning excited and a little nervous about what the day would hold.

Emily Pfannschmidt and Antonya Crosby woke up Thursday morning excited and a little nervous about what the day would hold.

They woke up Friday morning as Queen Silver Star and Princess Silver Star.

“I had to ask my Dad if it had really happened and see my sash on my closet to believe it had really happened,” said Pfannschmidt, who is Miss Durning Directions.

Crosby, Miss White House Mortgages, said, “It was the same for me. I woke up at 6 a.m. and saw the sash that said princess on my dresser and I knew it was true.”

They were named royalty for the coming year at the Vernon Winter Carnival Proclamation Thursday evening at the Vernon Performing Arts Centre. Michaela Hamilton, Miss Silver Star Rotary, was named Miss Congeniality.

“We spent yesterday practising what might be the impromptu questions and getting hair and make up done,” said Pfannschmidt, a Vernon Secondary School student.

“When they were going to make the announcement, we were all holding hands and waiting. I couldn’t believe it. I give Christianne (Edblad, outgoing Queen Silver Star) the biggest smile and said to myself, ‘This is happening.’”

Crosby, who attends W.L. Seaton Secondary, said, “We could hear our hearts beating. When they called my name, I just flooded with tears.”

They both found it easy to answer the impromptu question, which concerned what the volunteer work they had done as part of the Queen Silver Star Excellence Program meant to them.

“I volunteered at the Boys and Girls Club and I was welcomed with open arms. Everyone was very friendly and I enjoyed it,” said Crosby.

Pfannschmidt volunteered at Vernon Jubilee Hospital.

“What I learned was that Vernon has such a close-knitted sense of community. If you smile at someone in Vernon, it’s almost guaranteed that they will smile back,” she said.

After proclamation, the new royalty and all the candidates stayed close together as they were congratulated by family and friends and had pictures taken.

Friday was a day of getting hair and make up done and fittings for gowns for coronation.

They were eager to see the gowns, donated by Victoria Lane, which were kept a secret.

The coronation ceremony Friday at Polson Park was followed by a dinner and dance with visiting royalty and Carnival dignitaries.

“To me, it’s very rewarding to watch all the candidates grow and become the best they can be. I like staying in touch with them in later years and see what they do,” said Coleen Noel, Queen’s Committee member.

Crosby said, “We are very grateful for the Queen’s Committee and all the people who helped us in the program. We all learned so much about confidence and punctuality and time management. I’m excited for the year we have ahead.”

Pfannschmidt is also looking forward to the year.

“This is the transition between girl and woman. I learned so much in confidence and public speaking and friendship, things I’ll use for the rest of my life,” she said.

“I encourage other girls who would like to go through the program to seriously think about applying. It’s a wonderful experience.”


























Vernon Morning Star