E&N Rail Trail project moving along on West Shore

View Royal section the latest connection to be completed

Another piece of the puzzle has been fitted into place.

The Capital Regional District officially announced that a new section of the E&N Rail Trail in View Royal is open for business. The 2.1-kilometre section extending from the Four Mile Bridge to the Galloping Goose Regional Trail at Island Highway and Burnside Road West has been unofficially open for a few weeks now.

Jeff Ward, manager of planning for CRD Parks, said it’s a great project that adds to a very popular trail network.

“It’s another step forward in connecting different communities within the CRD,” he said. “We have been working hard with the municipalities, First Nations and adjacent landowners on this project.”

The E&N Rail Trail, one of the largest construction projects undertaken by CRD Regional Parks, will provide an additional connection across the region when entirely complete, said CRD Regional Parks chair Susan Brice in a media release. “It will offer opportunities for community recreation, active transportation, green tourism and promotion of an active and healthy lifestyle.”

The E & N Rail Trail – Humpback Connector is being built mostly within the rail corridor between Victoria and Langford. Construction of the trail, which is paved for cyclists and pedestrians, began in 2009. It is expected to be completed in five sections within 10 years.

Work linking 6.6 kms of trails running through Langford, View Royal, Esquimalt and Victoria, as well as an upgrade to 2.5 km of trail along the Galloping Goose near Atkins Road, is nearing completion. The CRD is currently seeking grant funding for a section between the Galloping Goose and Savory School In Langford that will connect existing sections of the trail to create a continuous 7.5 km stretch through Langford and View Royal.

The $36-million network will include 17 kms of trail upon completion. About $17 million has been spent so far, with the federal gas tax, Recreational Infrastructure Canada Program, BC Local Motion and the Provincial Cycling Infrastructure Program providing the majority of funding so far. Additional sections will be completed as funding becomes available.


Goldstream News Gazette