Enderby budget fails to attract interest

Financial activities at city hall appear to be a non-starter for Enderby residents.

No one attended Monday’s public input meeting on the 2011 municipal budget, which doesn’t increase property taxes for general operating expenses.

“There is no issue,” said Mayor Dee Wejr, adding that she has not received any public feedback about the budget.

“They’re not afraid that we’re going to jack them (taxes) up and make them pay.”

While general operating expenses aren’t increasing, there will be a one per cent hike for capital expenditures and sewer and water user fees are going up 1.3 per cent each.

“The net impact to a single family dwelling with a 100-foot frontage is $36.56  approximately, of which $30 is related to the borrowing of funds for sewer capital projects,” said treasurer Geri Ferguson.

“The borrowing was approved through an alternate approval process last fall.”

Coun. Greg McCune wasn’t surprised by the lack of input.

“We never get anyone out to these meetings,” he said.

McCune believes residents may be satisfied with the budget because of the extensive planning that council and city staff put into the financial process.

“We worked really hard on this budget and I am proud that we were able to keep it at zero,” he said.

According to Wejr, the primary goal of the budget is to provide services residents require while recognizing the impact the recession has had on people.

“We’ve been making really good use of the money we have and we’ve been careful with spending,” she said.

However, Wejr admits that the cost of running the city continues to increase and a tax freeze can’t continue forever.

“Eventually we will have to do some increase with the cost of living  but not right now,” she said.

It’s expected that the 2011 budget will be adopted by council April 18.



Vernon Morning Star