Enderby eyes logging plans

Tolko Industries presented plans for logging in the Brash Creek area to Enderby council Tuesday.

Timber harvesting in Enderby’s watershed could be moving ahead.

Tolko Industries presented plans for logging in the Brash Creek area to Enderby council Tuesday.

“They have new plans for the watershed and we wanted to hear what they are doing,” said Mayor Greg McCune.

“They explained the whole process and how the government regulates them.”

McCune admits that any industrial activities need to be scrutinized in community watersheds.

“They showed that with how they operate, there will be no worries,” he said, adding that final approval for harvesting has not come from the provincial government.

Initial block and road planning has been completed by Tolko as has a community watershed assessment.

“We are currently in the forest stewardship plan information sharing review period,” states an e-mail from Tolko.

“We are reaching out to First Nations and stake holders to receive comments regarding the initial cutblock and road design.”

Field layout and site level assessments will occur in 2016 and depending on market conditions and site restrictions, road building could occur in 2016 and 2017.


Vernon Morning Star