Enderby process underway

The Community Vitalization initiative was launched recently by the City of Enderby, the chamber of commerce and other partners.

Enderby residents are being assured that plans to re-energize the community are a priority.

The Community Vitalization initiative was launched recently by the city, the chamber of commerce and other partners.

“There’s a lot of interest in the community about the direction we’re taking,” said Coun. Brad Case, with the vitalization committee.

“We’re trying to get some easier projects done first and then the bigger picture will be put together and we will see what kind of feedback we get.”

The short-term focus will include incentives to beautify commercial premises, improving public spaces and installing new signs to direct highway motorists towards shopping and amenities in Enderby.

In terms of improving the looks of businesses, the development permit application process could be eased for facades.

Public space improvements could include decorating light standards, upgrading the Norleen Trail to promote walkability, opening the Barnes Park washrooms during the day and refurbishing the flower planter north of city hall.

“Funding for the actions is provided within the 2012 budget with the exception of the costs for downtown washrooms and riverwalk lighting, which will require further research and cost analysis,” said Tate Bengston, deputy chief administrative officer.


Vernon Morning Star