Enderby taxation increases

The city’s proposed 2014 budget includes a combined increase to taxation and user fees (water and sewer) of 3.85 per cent

Enderby residents will pay more for taxes.

The city’s proposed 2014 budget includes a combined increase to taxation and user fees (water and sewer) of 3.85 per cent. That equates to $68.44 for the average home.

“We’ve done a really good job at holding the line while addressing some expensive issues such as infrastructure,” said Mayor Howie Cyr.

“We’re doing the prudent thing and putting money into reserves for infrastructure.”

While he admits no one likes paying more taxes, Coun. Earl Shipmaker is confident most residents understand the need for revenue to maintain key services.

“Every time there is a storm, people sustain flood damage,” he said.

“There are roads that were put in 40 years ago and in some cases, nothing has happened with them since.”

Only one person attended Monday’s input session on the budget and they live in Mara, outside of city boundaries.

“He had a couple of comments on expenditures,” said Cyr.

The 2014 financial plan must still be adopted by council.


Vernon Morning Star