Enderby urges historical names

“Instead of some bird names, we hope developers will consider people who were part of our history,” said Mayor Greg McCune.

Enderby’s heritage is being made a priority.

Council has amended a policy so preference is given to heritage names when deciding names for new roads and they will be based on a specific list.

“Instead of some bird names, we hope developers will consider people who were part of our history,” said Mayor Greg McCune.

“There are a lot of people who influenced the community.”

Previously, the policy stated that a preference be given to heritage names when selecting names for new streets.

However, the heritage commission recommended that a formal list of names compiled by the Enderby Museum in 1996 should help guide developers on road names.

“By including the list of suggested road names as a reference document, it will help to ensure that street names with heritage value are duly considered by developers while at the same time providing a level of flexibility for developers to name streets within their developments as they see fit,” said Kurt Inglis, planning assistant, in a report to council.



Vernon Morning Star