Barb Desjardins: sets priorities for next four years

Barb Desjardins: sets priorities for next four years

Esquimalt mayor sets village project as priority

The Esquimalt Village Project is at the top of Barb Desjardins’ to-do list over the next four years.

The Esquimalt Village Project is at the top of Mayor Barb Desjardins’ to-do list over the next four years.

In her inaugural speech Monday night, Desjardins also listed economic development, wastewater treatment and improvement to transportation infrastructure as her priorities.

“We heard from across the community and every member of council agreed,” said Desjardins in a phone interview.

Desjardins sees increased voter turnout as an indication that the community is engaged and aware of issues needing attention in the township.

“Economic development is secondary, but it’s parallel because the village project is all about economic development,” said Desjardins. “The two go hand-in-hand.”

First steps include reviewing what has been done so far, and what needs to be done in order to get to the ground-breaking stage so construction can begin.

“This project will be happening – not a hole in the ground – by the end of this four-year term,” Desjardins said.

Desjardins said she will be forming a committee to help prioritize and implement planning so council can start making decisions and setting timelines.

“I think it’s doable. We’ve done a lot of the work already,” she said.

Victoria News