Corally Delwo is representing the People’s Party of Canada for the Kamloops-Thompson-Cariboo. (Photo submitted)

Esthetician runs for People’s Party of Canada

Corally Delwo wants to make change

  • Sep. 3, 2021 12:00 a.m.

The People’s Party of Canada has tapped small business owner Corally Delwo to run as a candidate in the Kamloops-Thompson-Cariboo riding.

Delwo said she was compelled to run following a freedom rally in Kelowna, where she met members of the PPC and found their “common sense” economic platform of cutting taxes and putting money back in people’s pockets had resonated with her. She then threw her hat in the ring as the candidate for Kamloops-Thompson-Cariboo mainly due to the federal government’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

She said she feels the Canadian government overreached when it came to restrictions and hasn’t properly addressed the economic impacts of businesses being shut down. Delwo said many people, like herself, were already unhappy with how tax dollars were being spent before the pandemic and those feelings have now intensified as many small businesses have “barely held on” with little government assistance.

READ MORE: Update: Five candidates vie for Kamloops-Thompson-Cariboo seat

“We’re told there are certain industries that are considered essential and certain industries that are considered non-essential and my opinion is that every income is an essential income, no matter where you’re earning it from,” she said.

A self-employed esthetician, Delwo had previously helped her husband run an oilfield consultant business and had her own salon, Luxurious Escape, from 2013 to 2016. Although she loved running the salon, she had to shut it down after she found herself paying more in rent than on the mortgage for her house.

Born and raised in Alberta, Delwo has lived in Kamloops since 2009 when she and her husband decided to raise their family in his hometown. A run for Kamloops city council in 2018 opened her eyes to the problems that exist at many levels of government, Delwo said. She maintains there are too many people in politics who prioritize their own personal agenda over their constituents’ needs, something she aims to change.

“I think we need to start voting for the people who are willing to go in and make change instead of just voting to get one person out of office you don’t like.”

If she gets to Ottawa, Delwo said she’ll work to address crime and drug issues, the affordable housing crisis and the inadequate public seniors pension system. Those interested in learning more about her are invited to come to one of her Saturday rallies in Kamloops or check out for her platform and policies.

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