Evacuation alert for Island Lake Fire rescinded entirely

Evacuation alert for Island Lake Fire rescinded entirely

Evacuation order remains in effect

  • Sep. 5, 2018 12:00 a.m.

The evacuation alert issued for the Island Lake Fire on Aug. 31 was rescinded this morning in its entirety.

The alert covered the are east of Island Lake Forest Service Road (FSR) to east of Nithi Road and Nithi Pit Road, and south of Francois Lake.

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An evacuation order remains in effect for the area east of the Binta FSR and Binta Blackpoint FSR Intersection, and south of Francois Lake to south of Knapp Lake.

The Island Lake Fire, located south of Francois Lake, has consumed 20,671 hectares.

According to the BC Wildfire Service, this fire has taken some scattered precipitation over the last few days, but the fine fuel moisture codes are rebounding quickly and there are many areas that have stayed dry – meaning there is still available fuel to burn, which is causing continued fire activity within the perimeter.

The BC Wildfire Service continues to implement an area order restriction to protect public safety due to the wildfire and to avoid interference with fire suppression efforts.

For a complete list of evacuation alerts and orders, visit https://www.rdbn.bc.ca.

READ MORE: Worst may almost be over for 2018 B.C. wildfire season


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Burns Lake Lakes District News