Evacuation alert issued for 19 properties in Kent

Evacuation alert issued for 19 properties in Kent

No evacuation orders at this time

  • May. 18, 2018 12:00 a.m.

The District of Kent has issued evacuation alerts for 19 properties located near the Fraser River.

Kent issued a public notice Friday to inform locals of the potential for high water conditions that could impact homes, property and loss of life and animals.

The properties are located along Appel Road, Caignou Road, Cuthbert Road, Cutler Road, Limbert Road, Tuyttens Road, Whelpton Road and Whorely Road.

Residents are being warned to use extreme caution near waterways and are encouraged to create emergency kits with basic supplies like food, water, medications, toiletries and personal documents. Sand and bags are available at the Community Recreation and Cultural Centre in Agassiz.

Notices to residents of properties under evacuation alerts or orders are hand delivered door to door.

Up to date notices and alerts are available on the District of Kent’s website.

Agassiz Observer