The area to the north of the original evacuation alert area has been added. (Cariboo Regional District)

Evacuation alert west of Quesnel expands for the second time

Areas to the north and east of Kluskoil Lake Provincial Park are under an evacuation alert

  • Jul. 15, 2021 12:00 a.m.

An evacuation alert west of Quesnel has expanded for the second time.

The Titetown and Nazko North evacuation alert was first issued on July 6, then expanded on July 12. The latest expansion is to the north of the July 12 area.

The area under the alert is to the north and east of Kluskoil Lake Provincial Park. The Purdy Lake Wildfire, currently at 3,600 hectares is causing the evacuation alerts.

READ MORE: Portions of Nazko First Nation under evacuation alert due to wildfire

According to a facebook post from the Nazko First Nation, which have some lands under alert, the fire has broken free from Kluskoil Park.

In an update, the Cariboo Fire Centre noted the focus for the 23 firefighters three helicopters and nine pieces of heavy equipment attempting to contain the blaze are focusing on containing the eastern and western flanks of the fire.

READ MORE: Cariboo Fire Centre gives update on wildfires burning in Quesnel Fire Zone

Residents inside the area are asked to make a plan to transport family members and co-workers out of the area, keep essential items on hand, and move pets and livestock to a safe area.

“Residents will be given as much advance notice as possible prior to evacuation; however you may receive limited notice due to changing conditions,” a Facebook post from the Cariboo Regional District Emergency Operations Centre reads. “Visit for more details on what you should do when you’re on evacuation alert.”

Two other fires of note are burning north of Kluskoil Lake, in the Prince George Fire Centre.

READ MORE: Evacuation orders and alerts: what to know in a wildfire

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Quesnel Cariboo Observer