Mount Eneas while BC Wildfire Service conducts burn operations Matthias Noelle photo

Mount Eneas while BC Wildfire Service conducts burn operations Matthias Noelle photo

Evacuation alerts lifted in Summerland

Last alerts from wildfire risk were rescinded July 26 at 10 a.m.

Summerland’s last evacuation alerts have now been lifted.

The evacuation alerts had been put in place last week as the Mount Eneas wildfire south of Peachland was raging.

On July 26 at 10 a.m. the three alerts were rescinded.

RELATED: Fire near Naramata now classified as ‘held’

The alerts were for all properties along Garnet Valley Road from Wildhorse Road north, 23411 and 25200 Callan Rd. and 951 Meadow Valley Rd.

If conditions change, the evacuation alerts may be reissued.

The Mount Eneas fire was caused by lightning on July 17. It is now at 1,793 hectares.

At present, 82 firefighters and six pieces of heavy equipment are at the scene.

RELATED: BC Wildfire Service making progress on Okanagan wildfires

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Summerland Review