From left, Chair Eve Flynn, Trustee Julie Austin, Trustee Jacob Gair (background), Vice-chair Barry Kurland and Trustee Elaine Young were sworn in as the new school board for School District No. 69 (Qualicum) on Monday.

From left, Chair Eve Flynn, Trustee Julie Austin, Trustee Jacob Gair (background), Vice-chair Barry Kurland and Trustee Elaine Young were sworn in as the new school board for School District No. 69 (Qualicum) on Monday.

Eve Flynn is the new chair of School District 69 (Qualicum) board of trustees

Nanoose Bay rep points to January’s budget as ‘key’

Eve Flynn has returned to the chair’s position of School District No. 69’s Board of Trustees after a vote Monday during the new board’s inaugural meeting on Monday.

Flynn, who won Area E by acclamation in November’s election, was previously school board chair from 2008-2011. On Monday she said her first order of business isto get to know the new members of the board and their strengths, and to tackle the budget in January.

“The budget will be key to the activities in spring,” she said.

During this process, Flynn said the board will also evaluate the recent reconfiguration of schools in the district. In particular, they’ll look at how the transition back to a K-7/

8-12 is going and how the model is working for students.

Barry Kurland, who was acclaimed in Area H, was seclected as vice-chair. Trustee Julie Austin, who was re-elected in Area F, accepted nominations for both the positions of chair and vice-chair. Trustees Elaine Young and Jacob Gair, both new to the school board for Area G this year, did not receive nominations.

All trustees were sworn in by Secretary Treasurer Erica Bailey.

“As a trustee, you are in a position of trust,” said Bailey to the new board members. She also encouraged them to work together and remain diligent in their job of overseeing the education of the district’s students.

The new board held its first meeting the next day, and here’s a brief look at some of the issues discussed:

•    After a presentation by Superintendent Rollie Koop and local branch director for Canadian Parents for French Greer Cummings, the board voted to establish a French Advisory Committee for School District No. 69 (Qualicum). The committee will provide advice, recommendations and feedback to senior staff on matters regarding French language programs in the District, and they must have their initial meeting by Feb. 28, 2015.

•    The board released its Statement of Financial Information (SOFI) for the year that ended Jun. 30, 2014. The statement discloses renumeration and expenses for school district elected officials and any employee who earns more than $75,000. Jake Friesen’s expenditure of more than $50000 were questioned, but Flynn explained it as the cost of purchasing equipment for the ROAMS program.

For more from the board meeting, see Tuesday’s edition of The NEWS.

Parksville Qualicum Beach News