On Tuesday, Nov. 6, South Surrey resident Bruce Stern of Democrats Abroad will discover if the campaign to encourage former U.S. residents to vote has made a difference. Stern and other expatriate Americans will gather election night at the Pacific Inn lounge to see who is elected president.

On Tuesday, Nov. 6, South Surrey resident Bruce Stern of Democrats Abroad will discover if the campaign to encourage former U.S. residents to vote has made a difference. Stern and other expatriate Americans will gather election night at the Pacific Inn lounge to see who is elected president.

Ex-pats await U.S. election results

Democrats Abroad to hold South Surrey get-together, hoping for Obama victory

South Surrey resident Bruce Stern of Democrats Abroad will discover this evening (Tuesday) if a campaign to encourage former U.S. residents living in Canada to vote has made a difference.

That’s when Americans will decide whether incumbent president and Democrat Barack Obama gets a second term or the job will go to Republican challenger Mitt Romney.

Stern, a 76-year-old former New Yorker who now lives in South Surrey, plans to get together with other expatriate Americans election night at the Pacific Inn lounge to see who is elected.

“Let’s all cheer for our president, whoever that may be,” Stern told Peace Arch News.

The event starts at 5 p.m. and there is no admission fee.

“What you pay in food and drink is your cost,” Stern said.

Under a new U.S. law passed in 2010, Americans abroad must now re-register for each election.

Democrats Abroad has been conducting a cross-Canada drive to reach out to the estimated one million former Americans living in Canada – 92,000 of them in B.C.

Stern, one of about 60 volunteers with Democrats Abroad currently active in the Lower Mainland, set up a booth at the weekly White Rock Farmers’ market to sign up voters.

In the last two elections in the U.S., six congressional seats and one senatorial seat were decided by fewer than 500 votes, according to statistics provided by Democrats Abroad.

Former Saturday Night Live performer Al Franken won election as a senator in Minnesota by just 312 votes, most of them from absentee voters.

Stern is planning to set up a White Rock – South Surrey chapter of Democrats Abroad for future elections. Any interested parties can email democratsabroadwrss@gmail.com or phone 604-560-4736.





Peace Arch News