Ex-Shawnigan Lake teacher jailed for sexual exploitation of former student

Duncan Provincial Court Judge Carmen Rogers also sentenced Andrew Michael Olson to two years probation after his release

  • Jul. 26, 2016 9:00 a.m.

A former teacher at Shawnigan Lake School had no reaction as he was sentenced on Tuesday to five months in jail for the sexual exploitation of a student.

Duncan Provincial Court Judge Carmen Rogers also sentenced Andrew Michael Olson to two years probation after his release from custody.

Olson was convicted in May of four counts of sexual exploitation and one of child luring, in relation to offences that occurred on Dec. 28, 2014 and March 6, 2015, when Olson was a 34-year-old teacher at the school.

Rogers said Olson was guilty of “very grave” offences, but she believes the sentence for the former teacher, who has no previous criminal record, is a “significant deterrent” against him reoffending.

Olson was taken to the Vancouver Island Regional Correctional Centre in Victoria.

– Will be updated


Cowichan Valley Citizen