Saanich Fire Sunday responded to a gas leak in the 700 block of Dafodill Road. Fortis BC has since restored service. (Dan Wood/Saanich Fire Department)

Saanich Fire Sunday responded to a gas leak in the 700 block of Dafodill Road. Fortis BC has since restored service. (Dan Wood/Saanich Fire Department)

Excavation on private property causes gas leak in Saanich

BC Fortis has since restored service

  • Jun. 18, 2019 12:00 a.m.

A home-owner digging on his property with an excavator caused a gas leak Sunday afternoon.

Saanich Deputy Fire Chief Dan Wood said the leak happened in the 700 block of Daffodil Avenue in the Marigold area and immediately affected about four to five houses, adding it is not clear how many houses overall suffered service interruptions.

Wood said the home-owner had received information about the location of the line, but not the depth before starting to dig.

BC Fortis has since restored service.

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Wood said incidents such as Sunday’s actually happen an estimating about two or three times per month.

Private residents or commercial contractors can prevent them in the first place by calling for information first before digging, he said. When they do happen, affected parties should go outside (when indoors), refrain from using matches, lighters, electrical switches, or any other items can be a source of ignition, and call FortisBC Emergency Line at 1-800-663-9911 (24 hours) or 911.

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