Queen Silver Star candidates (from left) Miss Voila Hair Studio Shalynn Jacobsen, Miss Silver Star Rotary Alyssa Cooke, Miss City Furniture Rhiannon Wilson, Miss Paradigm Naturopathic Medicine Meighan Kerr, Miss Johnston Meier Insurance Hannah Vaz, Miss Kalamalka Rotary Alicia Hill-Turner, and Miss Kim Heizmann-Century 21 Julia Bargery join the reigning royalty (centre left) Miss Congeniality Cassia Swartz, Queen Silver Star Cheyenne Krog and Princess Silver Star Paige Webster.

Queen Silver Star candidates (from left) Miss Voila Hair Studio Shalynn Jacobsen, Miss Silver Star Rotary Alyssa Cooke, Miss City Furniture Rhiannon Wilson, Miss Paradigm Naturopathic Medicine Meighan Kerr, Miss Johnston Meier Insurance Hannah Vaz, Miss Kalamalka Rotary Alicia Hill-Turner, and Miss Kim Heizmann-Century 21 Julia Bargery join the reigning royalty (centre left) Miss Congeniality Cassia Swartz, Queen Silver Star Cheyenne Krog and Princess Silver Star Paige Webster.

Excellence candidates step forward

A Vernon Winter Carnival tradition continues with the introduction of the candidates for Queen Silver Star LV

A Vernon Winter Carnival tradition continues with the introduction of the candidates for Queen Silver Star LV.

“This year, we have seven lovely candidates who want to represent the North Okanagan as goodwill ambassadors,” said Cheryl Gareb, Queen Silver Star Excellence  Program chairperson, during the event at the Schubert Centre.

“The program has come a long way from when it started as a beauty pageant where the candidates had to model in swim suits to an excellence program where the emphasis is on talent, personality, community involvement and scholarship.”

Queen Silver Star LIV Cheyenne Krog with Princess Paige Webster and Miss Congeniality Cassia Swartz were there to offer their support and encouragement to the participants as they begin the months of preparation leading to proclamation and coronation next February. Princess Simmy Sidhu was not able to attend.

MLA Eric Foster sent his congratulations. “He said he knows you’ll all be wonderful,” said Gareb.

She introduced the judges, who will be with the candidates in many of their activities and meet with them in two individual interviews. This year’s judges are Debbra Butler, Tawnya Cameron, Coleen Csakany, Cathy Davies and Galina Labun.

“Without our judges and instructors, we couldn’t have this wonderful program,” said Gareb, a community volunteer who has seen daughters of friends involved in the excellence program.

“This is a fabulous program for all young women and they get so much out of it. There are so many people involved in making it a success and we can still use the talents of anyone who is interested in volunteering.”

This year’s instructors are: Olivia Robertson of Shuswap Okanagan Dance Academy — dance class and modeling class; Jack Gareb of The Schubert Centre — etiquette dinner; Deb White of Whitehouse Mortgages — financial awareness; Suzanne Roberts of Voila Hair Studio — hair care; Jennifer Ng of the Vernon Museum — history of the museum and history tour; Beki Held of Vanatage One Credit Union — interview skills; Tammy Holland of Merle Norman — make up and skin care; Dina of Excel Fitness — nutrition and fitness; and Heather Freeman of Toastmasters — speech craft.

Deb White, vice-chair of Vernon Winter Carnival congratulated the candidates.

“I know you’ll have an amazing journey over the next several months and you, the present royalty, have done an excellent job of representing our city locally and provincially,” she said. “We thank our sponsors for Winter Carnival which runs Feb. 6-15, 2015 with the theme, Carnival of Rock and Roll.”

Gareb went on to thank the Queen Silver Star Excellence Program committee members: Ricki Moore, vice-chair and class coordinator; Mark Van Wyk, treasurer; Kathy Morgan, secretary; Sue Slater, royalty, volunteer and fundraising coordinator; Dr. Sherry Price, judges/scholarship coordinator;  Shannon Moore, Little Miss Winter Carnival and fashion show; Betty Anderson, speech competition coordinator; Lori Cary, talent show coordinator; and Gen James, proclamation coordinator.

The sponsors spoke about their involvement with the program and Winter Carnival.

“We love sponsoring this program and I was in the program myself and found it very beneficial,” said Sarah Blundell of City Furniture as she introduced Miss City Furniture Rhiannon Wilson.

Sue Dafoe, on behalf of Darleen Klymchuk of Johnston Meier Insurance introduced Miss Johnston Meier Insurance Hannah Vaz.

“Kal Rotary has been involved with the program for 29 years. It’s a joy to see these girls become beautiful butterflies at the end,” said Betty Gallant as she presented Miss Kalamalka Rotary Alicia Hill-Turner.

KIm Heizmann of Century 21 introduced Miss Kim Heizmann — Century 21 Julia Bargery.

Dr. Chris Spooner of Paradigm Naturopathic Medicine said, “This is an important opportunity for young women to grow and excel.” He presented Miss Paradigm Naturopathic Medicine Meighan Kerr.

Dr. Craig Goplen, representing Silver Star Rotary, said the club has been involved with the program for many years. “We think it’s such a great thing. We watch the girls blossom.” He presented Miss Silver Star Rotary Alyssa Cooke.

“We’re so excited to be part of this program in our first year of sponsoring a candidate even though we have participated in other ways before,” said Suzanne Roberts of Voila Hair Studio who introduced Miss Voila Hair Studio Shalynn Jacobsen.

The candidates’ next formal public appearance will be the fashion show Dec. 7, with proclamation Feb. 5 and coronation Feb. 6.

For more information or to volunteer, call Gareb at 250-558-9656.


Vernon Morning Star