Expenses for McKay, Ruttan drop in 2014

NANAIMO – Coun. Bill Bestwick's expenses soar from $1,898 in 2013 to $8,466 last year, the Statement of Financial Information shows.

Mayor Bill McKay and his predecessor John Ruttan spent less in the 2014 election year, a financial document shows.

McKay, the highest spender on council in 2013, spent 25 per cent less last year, according to the city’s Statement of Financial Information.

More than $8,800 was spent in advance of the election, between January and September and $10,350 of the total was on conferences, including the Federation of Canadian Municipalities.

Former mayor John Ruttan rang up $10,497 last year before losing his seat to McKay, including $6,444 on conferences liked the FCM and Union of B.C. Municipalities. In 2013, his expenses totaled $11,705.

Coun. Bill Bestwick, who spent the least two years ago, became the third-highest spender of 2014 with a bill of $8,466. An expense sheet shows more than $4,900 was spent on conferences, while $3,267 was on Internet fees and call display. In 2013, he spent $1,898.

For more information on expenses, or to find out how much elected officials made last year, please visit www.nanaimo.ca.

Nanaimo News Bulletin