Expensive day in the woods

It was a costly day out for a local family Saturday who planned to burn some old furniture in the bush off the Beaver Lake Road.

A family of five out for a day in the bush to dispose of some wood waste found it an expensive experience Saturday.

Two trucks full of metal and painted and stained wood and veneer from furniture were spotted on Beaver Lake Road by a couple of members of the public who reported it to the conservation officer service Saturday.

CO Ed Seitz responded and stopped two empty trucks coming down from the access to Wrinkly Face Provincial Park and the High Rim Trail, off Beaver Lake Road, and the occupants admitted they dumped the wood waste so it could be burned in the bush.

Fires have been lit in that area in the past for bush parties.

Seitz said whoever lit that pile of wood could have been charged with unlawful burning of prohibited material and fined $575 or they would have been charged and forced to appear in court.

However, he sent them back up to the site and made them clean it all up again to dispose of it safely in the landfill, and he ticketed them as well.

In addition, a passenger was fined $230 for having open liquor in a vehicle.



Kelowna Capital News