Extras needed for Vernon vampire movie

Male and female extras between the ages of 15 and 22 are being sought for Drink Slay Love

Extras are being sought for the movie Drink Slay Love being filmed in Vernon.

Extras are being sought for the movie Drink Slay Love being filmed in Vernon.

The call has gone out for extras for a film being shot in Vernon.

Flming got underway Monday at Vernon Secondary School for Drink Slay Love, a teen-vampire movie.

“I am in constant need of volunteers and would love to  make the opportunity available to as many local kids as possible,” said Mack Kowalchuk, background co-ordinator for the production.

Male and female extras between the ages of 15 and 22 are being sought.

“I want to get as many interested kids through as possible,” said Kowalchuk.

Anyone interested can e-mail okanaganrecruitment@gmail.com with their name, age and contact information.

Vancouver-based Sepia Films, Los Angeles-based Just Singer Entertainment, and co-executive producer Bella Thorne are responsible for the film, which will be shot here until Sept. 13.

Drink Slay Love stars Cierra Ramirez and Gregg Sulkin, and it will premiere on Lifetime and A&E in early 2017.


Vernon Morning Star