Thermometer, hot weather, no date. Stock image

Extreme heat forecast for the region throughout the week

Temperatures will likely hit the 40° C. mark this weekend

Environment Canada is predicting that things are going to heat up throughout the region for the next week, with temperatures soaring as high as 43° C. in Ashcroft and Cache Creek and 37° C. in Clinton on the weekend.

With extreme heat comes not only the risk of more wildfire activity, but risk to human life and health. There are a few things you can do in order to stay safe during periods of higher than normal temperatures.

– Watch for weather updates so you know which days will be hottest and can plan your activities accordingly.

– Make changes to your routine, so that you can perform outdoor tasks in the early morning or early evening hours, when it is cooler.

– When you go outside for any length of time, wear loose-fitting, light-coloured clothing. Make sure you have a hat, and use sunscreen.

– Keep plenty of water on hand, including in your vehicle.

– Do not leave people or pets inside vehicles during hot weather. Even with the windows cracked open, the temperature inside a parked vehicle rapidly exceeds the outside temperature.

– Know the signs of heat exhaustion and heatstroke and what to do if you suspect someone is suffering from either. Remember that older adults, infants, and young children, and those with chronic illnesses or on special medication, are more at risk when the mercury soars.

– If you have friends or neighbours who are at risk, check in with them to make sure they are okay. Identify residents who might require assistance during extreme heat conditions: these might include people who do not have air conditioning, or have limited or no transportation. People who do not have air conditioning can go somewhere that does have it in order to allow their body to cool off.

– Keep curtains, blinds, and windows closed during the heat of the day.

To check the Environment Canada seven day forecast, go to To learn more about heat exhaustion and heatstroke, including symptoms and treatments, go to

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Ashcroft Cache Creek Journal