Extreme weather shelter spaces available in Mission

The temporary spaces will be available from now until March 31, 2016 at Haven in the Hollow, 32646 Logan Ave.

  • Nov. 14, 2015 7:00 a.m.

Fifteen extreme weather shelter spaces in Mission will be funded by the B.C. government this winter to help people whose health and safety may be threatened by cold, wet weather.

The temporary spaces will be available from now until March 31, 2016 at Haven in the Hollow, 32646 Logan Ave., as Mission issues extreme weather alerts.

“These shelter beds help ensure that our most vulnerable people have a warm, safe place to stay during extreme weather conditions,” said Maple Ridge-Mission MLA Marc Dalton.

Each community decides what weather conditions warrant an alert and how many spaces to activate on a given night, depending on the capacity of existing shelters and the estimated need.

Throughout British Columbia, close to 1,200 temporary emergency shelter spaces will be available this winter in about 100 communities.


Mission City Record