Every day, in communities across Western Canada, Black Press Media’s award-winning journalists are telling stories that matter, sharing the information you need to make thoughtful, informed decisions. Arnold Lim / Black Press Media photo

Every day, in communities across Western Canada, Black Press Media’s award-winning journalists are telling stories that matter, sharing the information you need to make thoughtful, informed decisions. Arnold Lim / Black Press Media photo

Fact or fiction? Why trusted, local journalism matters

In a world where AI and social media make it increasingly difficult to discern fact from fiction, trusted local journalism matters more than ever.

Every day, in communities across Western Canada, Black Press Media’s award-winning journalists are telling stories that matter, sharing the information you need to make thoughtful, informed decisions.

Whether they’re taking a deep dive into the need for accessible addictions treatment in your community, holding local politicians accountable for municipal spending or showcasing the tireless efforts of local volunteers, journalists matter.

In fact, community news journalists are, more often than not, telling the stories that affect you most directly.

These are the stories that hit close to home – the ones about the campaign for a new park, efforts to improve traffic through your neighbourhood or about the blossoming new artist performing at your local theatre.

At the same time, they also bring the local impact of world events into focus – the refugees arriving from war-torn Ukraine, for example, or the volunteers aiding overseas rescue efforts following an earthquake in Japan.

Imagine a world without local, professional journalism

But pause for a minute and consider a world without community journalists…

Who would be sharing the impartial analysis of the controversial council decision? Who would ask the questions that need to be asked, then have the training and expertise to present the answers fairly, in a meaningful way.

Black Press Media’s 180 community journalists – more than any other news media organization operating in Western Canada – hail from Canada’s top journalism schools, giving readers confidence in the accuracy and authenticity of the stories they’re sharing.

Today, in more than 70 communities in Western Canada, Black Press Media is your window to what’s happening in your neighbourhood, your city, your province and beyond, with stories told by experienced, accountable journalists who uphold standards of truth, transparency and fairness.

A world without that is unimaginable.

READ MORE: Every neighbourhood has a story: We tell yours

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