The Nakusp Peewee Falcons smile after the February Freeze Peewee Tournament over the weekend. Though it was a small tournament with only four teams playing, everyone had a great time.

The Nakusp Peewee Falcons smile after the February Freeze Peewee Tournament over the weekend. Though it was a small tournament with only four teams playing, everyone had a great time.

Falcons do their best to freeze out the competition in weekend tournament

The February Freeze Tournament saw team from around the region come to Nakusp for a weekend of fun and games.

The Nakusp Peewee Falcons hosted the 2017 February Freeze Peewee Tournament at the Nakusp Arena this weekend.

Four teams took part in the tournament this year: the Nakusp Falcons, Salmon Arm Colts, Trail Titans, and the Kaslo Winterhawks.

The Falcons were energetic as they kicked off the tournament with a game against the Winterhawks. This game would also mark the first time the Peewee team has played on home ice in over two months.

Scoring goal after goal, the team dominated against the Hawks, ending the game with an 8-6 win.

Falcons coach Mike Smith was pleased with the results of the first game, noting how the players many of whom are new to the team have been steadily improving since the start of the season.

“We’ve won a couple of games in a row, and the kids are having a lot of fun,” he said. “All the new kids are learning and getting better in the game. They’re getting a lot better at learning their positions and passing.”

While Smith hoped they would get a couple more wins in before the end of the weekend, he just wanted the players to have fun and learn more about teamwork.

Unfortunately, their first win of the tournament would prove to be their only win.

The team lost their matches against the Trail Titans Saturday morning against the Salmon Arm Colts in the afternoon.

During their game against the Colts on Sunday morning the team proved how well they were able to keep up the pressure against a stronger team once they got going. Though they were defeated 8-0, seven of those goals were scored in the first period.

Some members of the Falcons think going up against a stronger team is a great way to hone their skills.

“I liked playing Salmon Arm because they were rougher,” said Falcons player Jordis Smith. “You had to really try and be rough with them, using your body and not just getting the puck.”

For Jordis, having the chance to play on home ice is great because it means she has friends and family watching the games and supporting the team.

“Sometimes my mom has to stay back with my sister so she can go to practises, but when it’s here my mom can watch.”

Throughout the tournament one thing was made very clear and that was everyone loved coming to Nakusp for these games.

“(It) was a phenomenal tournament,” said Brax Sharp, a player with the Salmon Arm Colts. “It’s always a fun tournament to come to, so I was pretty stoked to be out here playing with the other teams.”

After this tournament the Peewee Falcons’ next game will be in Kalso, followed by the playoffs in Nelson.


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