Greg Kyllo (right), Shuswap MLA, presents $100,000 to Falkland Community Association members, including former stampede manager Merv Churchill (far left), association president Martin Hennigar and secretary Gayle Carson.

Greg Kyllo (right), Shuswap MLA, presents $100,000 to Falkland Community Association members, including former stampede manager Merv Churchill (far left), association president Martin Hennigar and secretary Gayle Carson.

Falkland lands $100,000 grant

New roof for skating rink made possible thanks to provincial grant to Falkland Community Association

Politicians don’t always get a warm welcome, but Greg Kyllo was greeted with open arms while in Falkland Thursday.

During a stop, the Shuswap MLA presented a $100,000 provincial government grant to the Falkland Community Association.

“He was definitely popular,” said Gayle Carson, association secretary.

The funding will go towards a roof for the skating rink next to the stampede grounds.

“It gets so much sun there, so if the sun comes out, the ice melts,” said Carson, adding that other activities are also being considered for the facility.

“We could have stampede dances, markets or tennis. It could be used year-round.”

Costs for the roof are still being priced, but Carson admits the project wouldn’t be possible for the small community without government assistance.

“We would never be able to do it because the only revenue comes from the stampede,” she said.

Kyllo is pleased government funding has been made available for a small community like Falkland where most activities depend on the work of volunteers.

“It’s a great organization and the stampede is a great event. It brings in people from across Canada and the U.S.,” he said.

Kyllo hopes a covered-rink will translate into a social and economic boost for the community.

“The more facilities they have, the more opportunities to host events,” he said.

It’s hoped the roof will be installed before winter.








Vernon Morning Star