Libraries aren’t just for checking out books anymore. The Penticton Public Library is helping youth excel in digital literacy. (File photo)Digital literacy is an essential need for workers today, and the Mount Waddington Literacy Society is working to increase it. (File photo)

Libraries aren’t just for checking out books anymore. The Penticton Public Library is helping youth excel in digital literacy. (File photo)Digital literacy is an essential need for workers today, and the Mount Waddington Literacy Society is working to increase it. (File photo)

Family Literacy Society surveying essential skills among displaced workers

Survey results will help get training opportunities to fufill real needs on the north Island

  • Aug. 10, 2020 12:00 a.m.

The Mount Waddington Family Literacy Society is assessing what literacy and essential skills are needed by working folks in the area. They’re asking anyone who has lost a job over the last five years due to COVID-19, an employer moving or closing, natural disasters, or having jobs or shifts cut, to answer a displaced worker survey.

The literacy society is trying to learn what essential skills are needed by residents of northern Vancouver Island. Digital literacy is one essential need that needs to be developed, they say.

Literacy and Essential Skills training is needed now more than ever, the society says. Unemployment on Vancouver Island is at 11.7 per cent as of June. The society, led by Leslie Dyck, estimates north Island unemployment is higher than the average.

With accurate information, the society can help provide literacy and essential skills training targeted to specific needs of the area.

So far they’ve had just a few people participate. They’d like to have at least 20 by September.

Any qualifying person who completes the study, offered over the phone, will receive a $40 gift certificate to a local grocery store.

To register, email or text 250-209-9507 with your name, phone number, and the best days and times for a survey call. The survey takes about 20 minutes.

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