North Okanagan Youth and Family Services Society program coordinator Jodi McGrandle (left) and executive director Dean Francks display the office’s compliment window, complete with cupcake, ahead of Anti Bullying and Pink Shirt Day Wednesday, Feb. 24. The society, known for dishing out compliment cupcakes on Anti-Bullying Day, can’t in 2021 due to COVID but found a way to compliment the community for its ongoing support. All the office’s windows are adorned with compliments. (Roger Knox - Morning Star)

Family society compliments City of Vernon residents, supporters

NOYFSS decorates windows with compliments for Pink Shirt, Anti-Bullying Day Feb. 24

They’re delicious, they sell out and they make a person feel great.

Unfortunately, the gang at North Okanagan Youth and Family Services Society (NOYFSS) in downtown Vernon will not be able to make and share their fabulous Compliment Cupcakes for Anti-Bullying, Pink Shirt Day in 2021 (Wednesday, Feb. 24) because of COVID-19.

Every last Wednesday of February for the past few years, NOYFSS staff have made cupcakes, then placed a compliment on a toothpick to adorn the dessert item with phrases such as ‘You’re Inspiring,” or “We Believe in You,” or “The World is Brighter Because of You.”

The NOYFSS office windows at its 32nd Avenue and 31st Street location have now been decorated with compliments for the community to see ahead of Anti-Bullying Day.

“We wanted to compliment the community, let them know we’re all thinking of them and show our appreciation to the community of Vernon for always stepping up with us and others,” said Jodi McGrandle, NOYFSS program coordinator.

Added NOYFSS executive director Dean Francks: “The community really stepped up greatly during COVID supporting us through this challenging year. So the cupcakes have evolved to words and acts of kindness to acknowledge the community.”

It’s NOYFSS’ way to thank the community, and especially groups like emergency responders, frontline workers and store clerks who have been there from the beginning through the pandemic.

“Our hope is to show kindness throughout,” said Francks as he and McGrandle model masks created by McGrandle’s mom, Judy Hutchins, who donated the material, time and labour to make masks for NOYFSS staff.

“We’ll be cranking out pictures to our Facebook NOYFSS Goes Pink page,” said McGrandle.

Early response to the window compliments including people smiling as they walk by or waving at McGrandle as she put the signs up in the windows. She also makes sure NOYFSS staff drives by the office several times to make sure the signs look good.

One of the windows is adorned with a large painted cupcake.

“We want to make sure the community recognizes that they can take part in Anti-Bullying Day, and that it doesn’t have to be just Feb. 24, but everyday, by providing kindness to others,” said McGrandle.

READ MORE: WATCH: Pink cupcakes on frontline against bullying in Vernon

READ MORE: Vernon celebrates Pink Shirt Day

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Vernon Morning Star