Famous fan troupe to stop in Cranbrook on farewell tour

If you are a Vancouver Canucks fan, you should know who the Green Men are.

  • Jan. 23, 2015 1:00 p.m.
The Green Men in action.

The Green Men in action.

If you are a Vancouver Canucks fan, you should know who the Green Men are.

After all, they’ve been pretty visible at Canucks home games over the last few years, doing whatever it is they can to poke fun or distract opposing players when they’re banished to the sin bin.

And by visible, I mean really, really visible, because who can miss two people dressed in a skin-tight, neon-green morphsuit, like the ones you can get here?

Whether doing reverse handstands on the penalty box glass or holding up a large size cutout of a naked Ryan Kesler or tossing waffles out of an Eggo box, the Green Men are always good for a laugh.

If you’re not a Canucks fan, you’re probably asking why you should care about these two pranksters.

Well, the Green Men—known individually as Sully and Force—are going to be in Cranbrook watch the Kootenay Ice take on the Kelowna Rockets on Saturday, Jan. 31, as part of a farewell tour they are undertaking with stops across the province.

Fan favourites at Rogers Arena since 2009, the Green Men are calling it quits after this season. They were the inspiration for the Blue Man Crew—a group of local supporters for the Kootenay Ice during their WHL Championship run in 2011.

Cranbrook Daily Townsman