Fundraiser all bottled up for Curt Knippelberg - $5500 from bottles and $1350 in cash donations!

Fundraiser all bottled up for Curt Knippelberg - $5500 from bottles and $1350 in cash donations!

Fantastic fund-raiser is all bottled up

Fantastic fund-raiser is all bottled up for Curt Knippelberg

  • Feb. 8, 2012 10:00 a.m.

Starting at 8a.m. and finishing up at 4p.m. a fantastic fund-raiser came to a conclusion on Sunday, Feb. 5 with the Curt Knippelberg Bottles for Brains bottle drive reaching their goal. Over $5500 in bottles and $1350 in cash has been donated.

Bottles have come from as far away as Victoria with runners bringing them to the Elks building for storage. Organizer Laurie Johnson was pleased with the results, “ I can not begin to thank everyone enough who helped, donated storage, brought in bottles and money, it is overwhelming. Our community needs to be proud of what we accomplished in a short amount of time,

“The Knippelberg and Laforge families are deeply touched with the turnout and outcome.” she concludes.


Lake Cowichan Gazette