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Quick news updates from the 100 Mile House and South Cariboo area

  • Mar. 9, 2017 2:00 p.m.


The trial of Philip May wrapped up this week with a guilty verdict. At the time of printing, a sentence had yet to be determined. Charges included an attempted murder charge. 100 Mile House RCMP had received a “man-in-distress” callout and responded to a residence on the 93 Mile Loop Road on May 31, 2014. When police arrived at the scene, a 39-year-old 100 Mile House man had been shot. May was later identified as a suspect.



108 Mile water treatment plant final design was completed in February and tender documents issued on Feb. 21 with a closing date of March 21. As of March 3, 52 parties have reviewed the documents on BCBid. The tender documents stipulate a completion date no later than January 31, 2018; however, it is anticipated that the project can be completed and commissioned by the end of November 2017.



Aquifer testing of the two new wells drilled in January 2017, is scheduled for the week of March 13. Drillers will likely be mobilizing on the 13 and setting up on the 14 with testing occurring March 15-17. The existing system will be operational during the pumping test as the reservoir is not large enough for a shutdown. Once water quantity and quality results are known, the design of the pumphouse and associated treatment, mechanical and electrical components will be completed and submitted to the Interior Health Authority for a construction permit. We anticipate construction to begin in May, with completion by the end of August.

100 Mile House Free Press