Feb. 18 WEEKENDER picture of the week

Wednesday, Feb. 15 saw the Grand Forks Border Bruins' awards night. Here is a picture from the event.

The Grand Forks Border Bruins hockey team held its awards ceremony on Feb. 15 at the New Century Restaurant in Grand Forks, B.C. Here Head Coach Matt Zamec (left) presents goalie Dylan Quinn with the team's most valuable player award.

The Grand Forks Border Bruins hockey team held its awards ceremony on Feb. 15 at the New Century Restaurant in Grand Forks, B.C. Here Head Coach Matt Zamec (left) presents goalie Dylan Quinn with the team's most valuable player award.

Wednesday, Feb. 15 saw the Grand Forks Border Bruins’ awards night. Here is a picture from the event.

Also, here are the award winners:

Border Bruins Memorial Award (presented with a $300 scholarship): No. 30 Nate Nicolson Best Defenceman: No. 25 Brendan Jackson Most Sportsmanlike: No. 7 Brendan Noble Perseverance, Dedication, Inspiration: No. 14 Bryan Read Top Rookie: No. 15 Austin Lee and #3 Joe O’Hara Most Improved: No. 48 Robbie Dawson Fan Favorite: No. 9 Mitch Nishimura Media Award: No. 1 Dylan Quinn Players’ Choice: No. 58 Seth Cory Leading Scorer: No. 13 Mike Mansfield (though with one game left this still could change; Mansfield has a three-point lead on Chris Critchley and Nate Cory currently) Most Valuable Player: No. 1 Dylan Quinn

Grand Forks Gazette