South Surrey-White Rock Conservative candidate Kerry-Lynne Findlay. (File photo)

FEDERAL ELECTION: Q & A with Kerry-Lynne Findlay, Conservatives

Veteran politician politician aiming at South Surrey-White Rock seat

  • Sep. 20, 2021 12:00 a.m.

Peace Arch News reached out to the four candidates running for the South Surrey-White Rock riding in the Sept. 20 federal election and asked them each to respond to four questions.

Below are the responses from Kerry-Lynne Findlay (Conservatives) in her own words:

1) Following another summer of record-breaking heat in B.C., what actions would your party take, if elected, to immediately address the causes and impacts of climate change?

A: Download Secure The Environment climate action plan: 8610becf2561.pdf

The Conservative plan is superior. We will actually reduce emissions and achieve Paris Accord (2015) goals, a reduction of 30 per cent from 2005 levels, while creating jobs and growing the economy

• GHG emissions went up over six years under Trudeau Liberals

• Conservatives will scrap the carbon tax, and trust Canadians to take part in climate-change planning by introducing a national Personal Low Carbon Savings Account so Canadians can choose their best greener lifestyles.

• The Conservative plan:

• Requires automakers to build more zero-emission vehicles

• Lowers industrial emissions

• Increases use of renewable natural gas

• Implements low carbon fuel standards

• Navius Research independently verified the Conservative Plan it will achieve Paris Accord goals while boosting jobs and growing the economy.

What others have said about our plan:

“A credible path to meeting Canada’s 2030 Paris targets,” Michael Bernstein, executive director, Clean Prosperity.

“A serious plan,” Nic Rivers, associate professor, University of Ottawa, Canada Research Chair in Climate, Energy Policy.

“They are taking climate policy seriously,” Dale Beugin, VP research, analysis, Canadian Institute for Climate Choices.

2) Canada remains in the grips of a global pandemic. What steps need to be taken to get Canadians safely through this crisis, to facilitate economic recovery and to ensure our nation is better prepared for future public-health emergencies?

A: South Surrey-White Rock residents have been resilient, shopped locally, distanced from loved ones, and tried their best to stay afloat in uncertain times. I am very proud of our collective efforts.

Instead of working with other political parties to address this global pandemic, Prime Minister Trudeau called an unnecessary election to gain more power as Canada entered a fourth wave, B.C. was burning and Afghanistan was falling.

Our Canada Recovery Plan has five major themes: job creation; anti-corruption with tough new accountability laws; mental health and addiction supports; pandemic security by creating strategic stockpiles and domestic vaccine manufacturing; and stabilizing our economy by winding down emergency COVID support programs in a reasonable way while balancing the budget over the next decade.

Canada’s Recovery Plan also targets Pandemic Preparedness through resiliency, prevention, detection and scientific leadership: 597.pdf

3) The price of everything from housing to food and child care is rising rapidly. What steps would a government formed by your party take to ensure all Canadians have access to safe and adequate housing and a healthy diet?

A: Conservatives will make housing more affordable by increasing supply. Conservatives will not tax the equity in your home:

• Build one million homes in three years;

• Release 15 per cent federal land holdings for new homes;

• Root out corruption/money laundering with tough penalties, ban foreign investor home purchases;

• Encourage foreign investment in affordable rental housing;

• Partner with municipalities to build housing near transit;

• Scrap Liberals’ last mortgage stress test;

• Create partnerships with Indigenous communities;

• Open banking.

Supporting families:

• Increase child-care funding by converting child-care expense deduction into a refundable tax credit covering up to 75 per cent of costs for lower-income families, paid out over the year to avoid paying upfront;

• More generous maternity/parental leave;

• Support expectant parents;

• GST Holiday for December 2021, to help save our retail stores;

• Lower cellphone and internet bills;

• Lower food prices through a grocery supply code of conduct to stop abusive pricing against farmers, producers and processors and ensure reliable, affordable supply;

• Reform/review business risk-management programs like AgriInvest, AgriRecovery, AgriStability, and develop national strategies to protect food security;

• Continue to defend supply management in dairy and poultry farms.

4) Racial justice and reconciliation are at the forefront of Canadian consciousness. What steps need to be taken to help right past wrongs and ensure that all Canadians are granted equal voice, opportunity and respect?

A: The issue of combating racism shouldn’t be political. As an administrative law judge on the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal for five years deciding discrimination complaints, I am well versed in the equity and equality provisions in Canadian law. For racialized Canadians, we must uphold the laws on the books and conduct ourselves accordingly. We need to show compassion and listen to each other. When we make mistakes, admit and correct them.

I love Canada and believe it has the most potential of any country to be free, prosperous and inclusive. Where systemic racism exists, it should be rooted out. When criminal hate crimes are committed, they should be fully prosecuted.

Erin O’Toole is clear he welcomes Canadians of all backgrounds, colour, race, religion and sexual orientation to join our mission to get the country back on track, defeat the rise in anti-Semitism, Islamophobia, Asian hate and all racism against others including Indigeous Canadians and promote reconciliation.

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