There were seven candidates confirmed for the federal election in Chilliwack-Hope in 2019. Clockwise from top left, incumbent Conservative Mark Strahl, Liberal Kelly Velonis, NDP Heather McQuillan, Marxist-Leninist Dorothy-Jean O’Donnell, People’s Party Rob Bogunovic, and Green Party Arthur Green. (Missing is Daniel Lamache from the Christian Heritage Party). (File)

Federal Green Party seeks Chilliwack-Hope candidates

Nominations close on March 31

  • Feb. 28, 2021 12:00 a.m.

The Green Party is looking for nominees.

The Chilliwack-Hope Federal Electoral District Association announced on Friday, Feb. 26, that they are looking for nominees for the upcoming 2021 federal election.

“The Chilliwack-Hope EDA is recruiting a candidate who believes in Canada and will work towards a Green Recovery and a just society,” read a statement from the Green Party. “It’s time for new voices to be heard.”

Those interested in running can nominate themselves or be nominated by someone else through

Nominations close on March 31.

@adamEditor18adam.louis@hopestandard.comLike us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter.

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