Federal NDP leader Jagmeet Singh, left, joined Rob Douglas, right, NDP candidate for the Cowichan Valley in the upcoming provincial election, on a tour to meet people in Lake Cowichan on Oct. 16 and discuss local issues. (Robert Barron/Citizen) Douglas’s campaign continued to pull out all the stops with a visit on Sunday from Premier John Horgan for some spearfishing in Duncan. (Submitted)

Federal NDP leader Jagmeet Singh, left, joined Rob Douglas, right, NDP candidate for the Cowichan Valley in the upcoming provincial election, on a tour to meet people in Lake Cowichan on Oct. 16 and discuss local issues. (Robert Barron/Citizen) Douglas’s campaign continued to pull out all the stops with a visit on Sunday from Premier John Horgan for some spearfishing in Duncan. (Submitted)

Federal NDP leader Jagmeet Singh visits Lake Cowichan

Rob Douglas, NDP's candidate for Cowichan Valley, joins him

Federal NDP leader Jagmeet Singh joined Rob Douglas, the provincial NDP’s candidate for the Cowichan Valley in the upcoming provincial election, on a tour to meet people in Lake Cowichan on Oct. 16 and discuss local issues. Singh has visited almost 30 ridings in B.C. over the last week.

The NDP has pulled out all the stops in the Cowichan Valley riding, in their attempt to wrest it away from incumbent Green Party leader Sonia Furstenau.

On the weekend, Premier John Horgan visited the riding, and several cabinet ministers have also made stops.

Election day is on Oct. 24.

Lake Cowichan Gazette