Burns Lake residents can cast a vote at the Island Gospel Church voting station. (Eddie Huband photo/Lakes District News)

Federal voting information in Burns Lake

Voters must go to assigned voting station to be eligible

  • Sep. 20, 2021 12:00 a.m.

Voting for the federal election is open on Sept. 20 until 7 p.m.. All residents must go to their assigned voting station, and that information is present on voting card which were sent to residents by mail.

If you did not receive a voting card, it means that your information is not up to date, and you must visit https://www.elections.ca/content2.aspx?section=reg&document=index&lang=e to update your info and register.

There is also an option to register at the voting station, but in order to do so you must have two pieces of photo ID at the ready, and both must show an address that the voting service can associate with your riding. In other words, if you do not have an address that coincides with a riding, then you will not be eligible to cast a vote.

For Burns Lake residents, the local voting station is located at the Island Gospel Church at the intersection of the North Francois Highway and Gerow Island Road.If you have trouble finding your assigned voting station, the info can be found at https://www.elections.ca/Scripts/vis/FindED?L=e&QID=-1&PAGEID=20.

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Eddie Huband
Multimedia Reporter
eddie.huband@ldnews.net Like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter.

Burns Lake Lakes District News