Karen Morgan, Executive Director of the Sannich Peninsula Healthcare Foundation accepts the cheque for $5000 from Donna Miller, Chairperson of the Education Trust Committee of Canadian Federation of University Women Saanich Peninsula. (Donna Miller)

Karen Morgan, Executive Director of the Sannich Peninsula Healthcare Foundation accepts the cheque for $5000 from Donna Miller, Chairperson of the Education Trust Committee of Canadian Federation of University Women Saanich Peninsula. (Donna Miller)

Federation of university women mark 100 years with $5,000 donation

Saanich Peninsula Hospital and Healthcare Foundation to fund two new positions

  • Mar. 5, 2019 12:00 a.m.

A fundraising initiative by the Canadian Federation of University Women (CFUW) pitches in for two new medical technologists on the Saanich Peninsula.

The CFUW donated $5,000 to the Saanich Peninsula Hospital and Healthcare Foundation (SPHHF) to mark the 100th anniversary of organization in 2019.

The donation, offered Feb. 26, goes to the SPHHF’s Professional Development Fund and highlights the CFUW’s fundraising activities for community projects.

RELATED: Saanich Peninsula Hospital receives $500,000 donation

The Professional Development fund pays for expensive courses that upgrade some specialist practitioners’ skills.

Two new positions are being created thanks to the training – a Respiratory Technologist and an Ortho Technologist, as well as providing training for a Rehabilitation Assistant.

The CFUW operate an Education Trust Fund that makes contributions to registered charities in B.C. that support education and literacy initiatives. The awards are for both male and females.

Donna Miller, CFUW Education Trust Fund Chair, says they were moved to raise funds and donate money for the SPHHF after hearing about the need to attract medical personnel.

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“We heard about the doctor shortage and how it is a struggle to staff the hospital. They [SPHHF] are creating a scenario to allow doctors to practice collaboratively and to upgrade medical staff’s skills,” she said.

CFUW Saanich Peninsula has a history of fundraising in the community and they recently donated $3,000 to the Individual Learning Centre for their new Teen Education and Motherhood program, after hosting a fashion show, with models of all ages strutting down the catwalk.

They also provide scholarships to graduating students from the four local secondary schools in SD63 and a History Scholarship at the University of Victoria. Additionally, they offer two specific scholarships at Camosun College for a female student and a W’sanec Nation student.

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The club plans to support the SPHHF’s initiative of attracting more doctors to the Peninsula by sponsoring a public forum in the spring, which they hope local organizations and the three local mayors will attend.

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