Upgrades to White Rock's Bayview Park include an accessible plaza that can be reserved for group functions.

Upgrades to White Rock's Bayview Park include an accessible plaza that can be reserved for group functions.

Fees added for White Rock parks, sports fields

White Rock to charge for sports fields, Bayview Park plaza

Adult and commercial groups wanting to use White Rock’s sports fields will have to pay for the privilege starting Sept. 1.

White Rock council voted unanimously last week to adopt an amendment to the city’s fees and charges bylaw that sets hourly rates for use of the fields at $12.75 (increasing to $13 in 2015) for adult non-profit groups and $20 (increasing to $20.40 in 2015) for commercial renters. Youth non-profit groups will not be charged.

A $225 per hour fee (increasing to $229.50 next year) for group use of the Bayview Park Plaza was also approved, and takes effect immediately.

In a May 12 report, director of leisure services Eric Stepura explains the sports-field fees are to eliminate the inequity between those paying to use the city’s arena, lacrosse box and room users, and those who use the fields at no charge. Commercial-user fees are to recover the hourly operating costs of the sports fields.

Stepura notes that user groups consulted in February regarding the new fees were supportive.

The charge for Bayview Park is to cover administration costs associated with booking the newly upgraded space, along with added maintenance costs. For organized events, the plaza is suitable for up to 50 people, Stepura writes.

The bylaw received first, second and third reading at the May 12 council reading.

Peace Arch News