FBC bartender, Vinnie Botton, serves a beer from their CTC tap. (Photo Submitted)

FBC bartender, Vinnie Botton, serves a beer from their CTC tap. (Photo Submitted)

Fernie Brewing Co. raises a cold one for charity

All proceeds from their charity tap go towards a local organization

  • Sep. 14, 2020 12:00 a.m.

Fernie Brewing Co. (FBC) has officially brought back their successful donation program, Cheers to Charity (CTC).

Rather than offering sample flights like in years past, as of Sept. 1, all proceeds from 12 ounce beers poured from the charity tap will be passed directly along to a deserving organization within the community.

“We are very grateful for all the support we receive from within the Valley, so we wanted to support the community in return,” said FBC marketing brand manager, Abi Moore.

“Being asked for so many donations throughout the year makes it hard to make a substantial donation to any given organization, but this was a way to be able to raise a substantial amount of money to give back to different recipients within the valley.”

At the moment, Nighthawk, their Farmhouse IPA is being poured out of the charity tap, with funds going towards the East Kootenay Foundation for Health (EKFH) for the installation of a new Ultrasound Service at the Elk Valley Hospital. Teck will match donations made to the EKFH, up to a grand total of $50,000, until the end of September.

Prior to the EKFH, the most recent recipient of their CTC fundraiser was Angel Flight East Kootenay, who received $5,181, bringing their CTC donations to $149,105 to date. FBC began the program back in 2013, as a way to donate to local organizations while offering those visiting the Elk Valley a chance to give back to the community.

Those interested in being a recipient of Cheers to Charity donations can apply on FBC’s website, as the brewery seeks to represent a variety of organizations dealing with everything from arts, to sports, and health. Eligible recipients must directly benefit a local community group, be of legal drinking age, and use the funding for programs that wouldn’t be able to operate without support.

For more information on FBC’s CTC program, visit their website at Ferniebrewing.com.

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